Hi there, reading your story I get the feeling you can develop it more thoroughly. You have a story now, but you can turn it into a more comprehensive guide for the possible illustrator and animator by adding explanations of the characters, setting, tone, mood, plot, just to give them an idea how to visualise this tale.
Inject your thoughts into those things, throw it out to the community, get feedback, rinse, repeat.
The composition and the story are good. Sometimes it's good to have a shorter story and I think you did a good job ending it where you did. Ok, maybe it could have been a little longer, but not much! Anyway, the only criticism I have would be this:
Look over your longer sentences and break them in two. IE:
"the poor raccon!" my mom exclaimed, me, I just stood there, i read online that dead raccons were an omen of doom.
would become:
"the poor raccon!" my mom exclaimed! Me, I just stood there. Later, I read online that dead raccons were an omen of doom.
It's just a suggestion, but it may help to control the flow of the story. Try it out and see if you agree.
thanks! this is my 1st story so i expected SOME faults. lol